Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Aniston is 3 Months Old

  • Diaper Size: 1, but getting pretty snug
  • Clothes Size: 3 months
  • Eat: She is eating every 4 hours. When I give her breast milk from the bottle she eats around 4-5 oz
  • Sleep: She just started to sleep from 8pm-6am. She does wake up in between those times for her pacifier, but she will continue to sleep.
  • Play: She still loves to sit up. She enjoys being in her sit-me-up chair. She just started to roll over. 
  • Milestones: Rolling over and taking a picture with Santa
  • Likes: She likes to see herself in the mirror. She loves it every time Presley hangs out with her. She also likes her diaper changed.
  • Dislikes: Playing on her back all the time. She wants to see what is going on. She also doesn't like it if she doesn't get enough attention.
  • Personality: She is really happy! She loves when you sing to her or smile and she will smile back. 

  • Matching pjs :)

    Such a happy baby!

    Aren't they the cutest!

    Christmas photo with Santa

    Hanging out with big sister at the park

    Dear Aniston,

    You are 3 months old already!!! Time is sure flying by. It is so bittersweet. We love to see you grow and learn new things, but that means you won't be our baby forever. Just remember how much we love you!!!


    Mommy, Daddy and Presley

    Thanksgiving 2017

    November 23, 2017

    We were fortunate this Thanksgiving to have John home. However, he did have to go to work the next day. So we just had a small Thanksgiving with just us. It was very nice and relaxing. Didn't have the stress, which I was thankful for. If something didn't turn out well, it would be okay. I did want to make Presleys first real Thanksgiving memorable. I started out with a Turkey breakfast and gave her a turkey lunch. She definitely enjoyed her dinner!

    Presley's turkey breakfast

    Gobble, gobble! Presley's turkey lunch

    Aniston's first Thanksgiving

    They love each other so much!

    Angel baby 2nd birthday

    November 17, 2017

    Each year that passes since our Angel baby was suppose to be here doesn't get easier. Part of me feels guilty about wishes he/she was still with us. One reason is because if we did have our Angel baby, Presley would not be here with us now. Presley and Aniston are our light and joy and I couldn't imagine life without either of them. It is a very hard situation. I think about our Angel baby every day. Wondering what he/she would look and act like. I do know that he/she is watching out for his/her little sisters. They have a guardian angel :) Happy 2nd birthday, Angel Baby! Mommy and Daddy miss you tons! xoxo

    Thursday, November 9, 2017

    Aniston is 2 months old

  • Diaper Size: 1, but getting pretty snug
  • Clothes Size: 3 months
  • Eat: She is eating every 4 hours. When I give her breast milk from the bottle she eats around 4oz
  • Sleep: She still isn't sleeping through the night yet. I remember Presley was sleeping through the night by this time. I am getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a night which is an improvement from last month.
  • Play: Her head control is getting better. She can lift her head high and hold it for about 20-30 seconds. She is tolerating tummy time better,  but it still isn't her favorite yet. She likes the play mat that has the lights that flash. She laughs at them all the time. She does like to be in the swing and loves to cuddle. Now she wants to sit up and see things that are going on around her.
  • Milestones: She is smiling so much more now. Before we used to call her angry Aniston because she looked so angry all the time, but now she smiles. She is cooing too. She likes to sit-up, but of course needs assistance.
  • Likes: She still loves breast milk, bath time, the bouncer that vibrates and her pacifier. She really likes the flashing lights on her play mat and to look at herself in the mirror.
  • Dislikes: She doesn't like to be left alone. She wants more attention and see things that are going on around her. 
  • Personality: She is really happy! She loves to look at herself and is being more verbal.

  • Loves looking at herself in the mirror above her

    Happy baby!

    Presley with her sister at the doctors

    The girls at their doctors appointment. Aniston doesn't look to thrilled about what is going to happen.

    Dear Aniston,

    You are two months old already! Time is sure flying by!!! Your personality has started to change and you are smiling all the time now. I may be biased but it is the cutest smile ever. You wake up so happy :) Your big sister loves to give you kisses. We are teaching her how to give you nice and gentle touches because she wants to play with you all the time. You sure are loved so much!!! You are so close to rolling over. We are so grateful to have you in our lives and are cherishing every moment with you. We love you so much!!!


    Mommy, Daddy and Presley

    Grandpa's Visit

    Grandpa's visit was such a memorable one. Presley started walking and he was able to see his new granddaughter. It was so nice having an extra pair of hands to help out with the girls. Looking forward to his next visit. 

    My happy family

    Our anniversary dinner. Grandpa was our babysitter :)

    Halloween 2017

    October 31, 2017 

    This Halloween by far has been the best so far. Presley was able to walk and go trick-or-treating and Aniston was able to tag along with her :) Even though she really didn't understand the whole idea she sure was cute learning about it. I can't wait for next year when she really will start to understand what Halloween is and Aniston will be able to walk around with her to go trick-or-treating.


    My girls <3

    Presley 2016 vs Aniston 2017 Don't they look so much alike?

    Trick-or-treating downtown