Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Aniston is One Month Old

  • Diaper Size: 1 
  • Clothes Size: Newborns and 0-3
  • Eat: She is a big eater. She is eating every 3-4 hours. When I give her breast milk from the bottle she eats around 3.5-4oz
  • Sleep: She isn't sleeping through the night yet. I can't wait until she does! Getting only 3-4 hours of sleep a night isn't easy, but I know it won't be like this forever. 
  • Play: She has great head control. She can lift her head high. She tolerates tummy time, but isn't her favorite yet. She does like to be in the swing and loves to cuddle. 
  • Milestones: She is very attentive. She is always looking around and I know she is wondering what is going on. 
  • Likes: She loves breast milk, bath time, the bouncer that vibrates and her pacifier. She loves to lay on her stomach and cuddle. 
  • Dislikes: She doesn't enjoy her diaper being changed. She will tolerate it some times and other times she cries. 
  • Personality: She is a good baby. I haven't seen her smile on purpose yet, but I know it will come soon. She is a thinker!

  • Dear Aniston,

    We love you so much. It is amazing you are already one month old! Time is flying by so fast already! You are so precious and we are blessed to have you in our life! Your big sister loves you so much! She is going to show you the ropes when you get bigger. It will be so cute seeing you both grow up together, being best friends. Every day you change and we try to soak it all in because you won't be little for long. We love you sooooooo much!!!

    Love you always,

    Mommy, Daddy and Presley 

    Family time with the Duckies

    October 3, 2017

    With the weather getting cooler we are enjoying more outdoor activities. One of our favorite activities is to feed the ducks. Presley really likes seeing the ducks. She doesn't understand that she needs to throw the ducks the bread, instead she tries to eat it :) She really LOVES her food! I cherish all of these moments together. 

    Visit to the Farm & John's 30th Birthday Celebration

    September 23, 2017

    It's one of the best time of the year, FALL! I love living up North in the Fall. There are so many fun kid friendly events that I never got to do in Florida that they have here. Now that I have kids I can enjoy these events too! 

    You can definitely tell that Presley is a daddy's girl. She really enjoys her time with him. Seeing them together really melts my heart!