Diaper Size: 2
Clothes Size: 6 months
She is still eating every 3 hour. In the morning and before bed she will eat 7
oz. The other feedings are 5 oz. She loves to feed herself and doesn't even wait a second before I lay her down to grab the bottle. She has started to eat solids. So far she has tried butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach and avocado. She really likes the sweet potatoes and spinach.
She is 100% now sleeping in her crib. At night she will sleep from 7pm-8:30 am. She is able to get the pacifier on her own now too. She takes 2 naps a day. One from 11am-12pm and then from 2pm-4pm.
She enjoys playing on her belly and is getting up on all fours. When she is on all fours she will rock back and forth. She isn't crawling yet, but is scooting backwards :) I can officially say she is sitting up on her own! She is starting to get a little separation anxiety and wants to be held more.
Milestones: Eating solids, getting up on all fours and rocking, scooting backwards, and sitting up.
Likes: She loves being held and getting all the snuggles. She is enjoying eating solids and loves taking baths with her big sister.
Dislikes: Being putdown after being held.
She is really happy! From the moment she wakes up and to putting her to
bed she is smiling. She is starting to have happy "screams" of excitement and starting to babble occasionally.

They melt my heart! <3 |
Presleys first solid vs Anistons first solid |
When we found out we were officially pregnant compared to now :) |
She loves her spinach! |
Loves sitting up! |
Dear Aniston,
We love you so much! It is so cute seeing how fast you are growing. You are such an easy and loving baby! We are blessed! It is amazing how much you change from day to day. One day you aren't sitting up by yourself and the next day you are sitting up! We want you to grow up big and strong, but please slow down. We are enjoying every moment with you! We love you sooooo much!!!
Mommy, Daddy and Presley