Wednesday, June 29, 2016

34 Weeks

Today Is: June 28, 2016
How far long: 34 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Cabbage 
Total Weight Gain: 
34 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Still a little uncomfortable to sleep at night and having to go to the bathroom two times a night.
Best Moment this Week:  Enjoyed our vacation to FL and we even made a little stop to explore Savannah, GA. 
Worst Moment this Week: Feet have been getting really really swollen. 
Miss Anything:  Sushi
Cravings: Ice cream, froyo ice cream and ICEE  
Queasy or sick: Feeling much better this week. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn & my feet and hands getting really swollen 
Belly Growth:  41 inches (no growth this week) 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery together when we get back home. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

33 Weeks

Today Is: June 22, 2016
How far long: 33 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Honeydew Melon 
Total Weight Gain: 
32 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Starting to get a little uncomfortable when sleeping. Belly is getting a little too big and when I need to get up to go to the bathroom I have to have John push me up :)
Best Moment this Week: Starting our vacation! We went back home to Florida to see our family and had our baby shower. It was soooo beautiful!!! We also had our 4D ultrasound and loved seeing our Baby Girl! She smiled so much and I was able to see her huge chunky cheeks and was told she is going to have lots of hair. Guess that is why I've had a lot of heartburn. 
Worst Moment this Week: Couldn't taste for a couple of days due to being sick, but I can taste now :) 
Miss Anything:  Strawberry daiquiri (with alcohol). Had some this week, but of course they were virgins 
Cravings: Publix subs (now that I am in FL and can have a really good sub!) and strawberry daiquiris. 
Queasy or sick: My cold is getting better. Still have a cough, but nothing terrible. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn, feet and hands getting swollen and a little back pain. 
Belly Growth:  41 inches (no growth this week) 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy, but getting a little moody when I am hot (especially now that I am in FL and it so humid here).
Looking Forward To: Continuing to enjoy our vacation!

Here are some pictures of the 4D ultrasound:

Here are some pictures of our beautiful baby shower:

Summer time fun!

Father's Day Celebration! 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

32 Weeks

Today Is: June 15, 2016
How far long: 32 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Florida Pomelo (whatever that is and I use to live in Florida) 
Total Weight Gain: 
30 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Getting up twice now to go to the bathroom
Best Moment this Week: Last week of school! I had my work shower too. It was so nice! 
Worst Moment this Week: Got a cold 
Miss Anything:  Going out and having a cocktail. Would love to celebrate the last day of school with a good cocktail. 
Cravings: Milk, peanut butter, cheese sticks and soup (might be because I was sick too)
Queasy or sick: Have a cold. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn, feet and hands getting swollen and a little back pain. 
Belly Growth:  41 inches 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: Going back home and celebrating Baby Z. Haven't been back home in a LONG time! 

Here are some pictures of my baby shower at work. They did a beautiful job decorating and the food was absolutely delicious! 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

31 Weeks

Today Is: June 6, 2016
How far long: 31 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Romaine Lettuce Head 
Total Weight Gain: 
30 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Baby kicking in the middle of the night and waking me up. I don't mind it though :)
Best Moment this Week: Had my first baby shower, hosted by my great kickball friends. Really appreciate the love that they gave me :) 
Worst Moment this Week: Nothing really. 
Miss Anything:  Over easy eggs and champagne (being that it is the end of the school year I would love to cheers to the end of the year
Cravings: Milkshakes, fruit smoothies and chocolate cake  
Queasy or sick: None 
Symptoms:  Heartburn, feet and hands getting swollen and a little back pain. 
Belly Growth:  40.5 inches 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: The last week of school and my baby shower that my work friends are throwing me :) 

Here are some pictures of the baby shower I had this weekend: