Wednesday, June 29, 2016

34 Weeks

Today Is: June 28, 2016
How far long: 34 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Cabbage 
Total Weight Gain: 
34 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Still a little uncomfortable to sleep at night and having to go to the bathroom two times a night.
Best Moment this Week:  Enjoyed our vacation to FL and we even made a little stop to explore Savannah, GA. 
Worst Moment this Week: Feet have been getting really really swollen. 
Miss Anything:  Sushi
Cravings: Ice cream, froyo ice cream and ICEE  
Queasy or sick: Feeling much better this week. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn & my feet and hands getting really swollen 
Belly Growth:  41 inches (no growth this week) 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery together when we get back home. 


  1. Sushi night after baby Z joins the world!

    1. Yes for sure!!! That and a glass of prosecco! lol
