Thursday, November 17, 2016

Angel Baby 1st Birthday

November 17, 2016 

Today would have been our angel's baby first birthday. I think about him/her every day. My life has changed so much since we lost our first baby. I learned how to appreciate every moment, no matter how hard the moment could be. I believe that is why when I got pregnant the second time I enjoyed it so much and was always happy. I know how it feels to loose someone so precious to you and no matter how hard a day was being pregnant I appreciated it.

It's hard to discuss the torn feelings that I have. If our angel baby would have been born we would not have our wonderful baby girl, Presley. I could not imagine life without her. Part of me feels bad saying that because that means our angel baby would not exist. It sounds very confusing. Maybe I am the only one who understands.

Presley will know about her angel brother/sister. Every year we will be sending off a balloon to wish him/her a happy birthday and she will be apart of it. I want her to know who she will meet many many years from now.  One day (far from now), we will all meet again in Heaven as a whole, united family.

Happy 1st Birthday, Angel! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Friday, November 11, 2016

3 Months

  • Diaper Size: 1
  • Clothes Size: 0-3 and 3 months. The 0-3 are starting to get a little tight and short on her arms and legs. 
  • Eat: Breastmilk 7 times a day. We do a bottle (5oz) before bed and in the early morning. The remaining time she is nursing for about 15-20 minutes on each side. I started to give her the extra milk that I pump after nursing to try to boost up her weight, so when we go to the doctors for her four month appointment she will have gained more weight and I won't have to hear the doctors suggesting formula again. 
  • Sleep: She has been sleeping throughout the night (around 6 hours). However, now with the time change she is starting to wake up an hour earlier. Not a fan of this time change now. 
  • Play: She has gotten so much stronger this month. She can hold her head up for a LONG time. She has even started rolling over occasionally. 
  • Milestones: Laughs and smiles all the time. She rolls over occasionally and loves to sit and stand up. She has very strong legs. 
  • Likes: Being held and sleeping on us. She enjoys being taught how to roll over from stomach to back and back to stomach. She likes us talking back to her and having our conversations. 
  • Dislikes: She seems to only really want her pacifier for when she sleeps. Other than that, she doesn't want us giving it to her. 
  • Personality: She is very happy and active baby. She loves to cuddle and talk to us. She is doing things like rolling over that are early for her age. She even scared me at night when I saw her trying to roll from her back to stomach. She hasn't done that yet, but she will get there very soon. Need to get her the Halo sacks soon just in case. 

  • Beautiful baby girl

    Dear Presley,

    You are our pride and joy. You make us so happy every day. I feel so lucky and blessed that I can stay home with you and see you grow every day. There is something new that we learn about you every day. You are so strong! You love to stand and sit and have learned how to roll over. We started taking infant massage classes and you love the bonding that we have together during it. Maybe when you get older you will be a big helper and massage me too :) It bittersweet knowing that you are growing up, but you won't be my little baby forever. I love seeing you learn! Can't what to see what you learn next month. 

    Love you always, 

    Mommy and Daddy 

    Presley's First Halloween

    October 31, 2016

    Today is Presley's first Halloween. Even though she won't remember it I surely will. She dressed up as a cute little ghost :) We started our family tradition with watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." We even got a huge surprise with Daddy coming home to celebrate with us!

    All of us sat outside and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. I am looking forward to taking her next year trick-or-treating.