Sunday, April 15, 2018

Strawberry Picking

April 13, 2018

The weather is FINALLY getting warmer and what better way to enjoy the outdoors than strawberry picking. We went last year and Presley enjoyed putting the strawberries in her mouth but didn't understand to pick them. This year it was cute seeing her walk up and down the field picking strawberries and putting them in her bucket. As it got heavier she would hold it and then drop it right away. She didn't want to leave and cried when we got in the car. (Gave her a snack and she was ok). Unfortunately we went during their nap time and Aniston wasn't too thrilled. Every time I put her down she would cry, so we couldn't get good pictures of her. Guess we will have to go back again :)

Wouldn't stop crying when putting her down, but wanted a picture of her by herself.

Daddy's girl for sure


April 1, 2018

Happy Easter! This year we actually did some Easter activities and baskets. Presley really enjoyed finding the eggs and putting them in her basket. She really enjoyed the gifts she got in her Easter basket. The Easter bunny did a great job! 

It was really nice having Johns family over to celebrate the holiday. Since we are moving to Houston in a month or so it was the last holiday that we were able to enjoy all together in New Bern. Presley really loves her cousin and it was so cute seeing them play together.

Easter breakfast

She loves Puppy Dog Pals

The water baby was a hit! She loves playing with her every day.

Aniston is 7 months old

  • Diaper Size: 2, but they are pretty snug. We just have some left, so trying to use them up
  • Clothes Size: 6 months and 6/9 months 
  • Eat: She is eating every 3-4 hours. In the morning and before bed she will eat 7 oz. The other feedings are 5 oz.  She has truly enjoyed eating solids. This month we have introduced fruits and absolutely loves them. She loves bananas and strawberries the best.
  • Sleep: She is such a good sleeper. At night she will sleep from 7pm-8:30 am. She is able to get the pacifier on her own now too. She takes 2 naps a day. One from 11am-12pm and then from 2pm-4pm.
  • Play: She is crawling like crazy. She mainly is army crawling, but she is starting to be on all fours when crawling. She has also learned how to pull herself up to stand. She loves to stand! She hasn't fully learned how to get down from standing gracefully yet, but when she does fall down she doesn't cry.  She plays so well with Presley and doesn't mind it when she takes toys away from her.
  • Milestones: Eating fruits, crawling and pulling herself up to stand. She is babbling a lot more now and sometimes it sounds like she is saying "Dada."
  • Likes: She loves to be held, but does love to play independently too. She loves to follow Presely around the house and the dogs. She has enjoyed going on the swing at the park, but she can't be pushed too high.
  • Dislikes: Being putdown after being held. 
  • Personality: She is really happy! From the moment she wakes up and to putting her to bed she is smiling. She is having a lot more happy "screams" of excitement. 
  • Look Mama, I'm standing!

    Aniston's first pig tails

    First time on the swing and loving it

    Enjoying the beautiful day with a nice walk

    Hey Dada, I can stand! Time to lower the crib now.