Sunday, May 7, 2017

22 Weeks

Today Is: May 3, 2017
How far long: 22 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Papaya or corn on the cob

Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Sleeping still getting interrupted with Presley waking up. Wish I could go back to sleep right after putting her back down, but I am just wide awake after it.
Best Moment this Week:  Celebrated my birthday and our 13 year anniversary of dating
Worst Moment this Week: Presley not napping. She was on a good schedule and now she isn't even napping and just being cranky.  
Miss Anything: Sushi 
Cravings: Honey mustard pretzels  
Queasy or sick: None  
Symptoms: Heartburn
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: Presley sleeping through the night again (Haha!) 

21 Weeks

Today Is: April 30, 2017
How far long: 21 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Bok Choy or pomegranate 

Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Presley is starting to wake up again in the middle of the night, so not able to get a full nights rest. Trying to go back to sleep over rocking her back to sleep is hard.
Best Moment this Week:  John feeling baby girl kick. I have been feeling her kick since 18 weeks and thought I was earlier, but wasn't 100% sure. 
Worst Moment this Week: Presley teething and not napping. 
Miss Anything: Wine. With Presley teething, she has been a lot more fussier and not napping like she used to. 
Cravings: Goldfish
Queasy or sick: None  
Symptoms: Getting a little bit of heartburn, but not anywhere close to what I had when I was pregnant with Presley. 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: My birthday! 

Presley's First Beach Trip

April 15, 2017

Now that it is getting warmer, I have been dying to take Presley to the beach. We ordered a beach tent for her that she can stay in when it gets to hot. This is the first time taking Presley to the beach and I wasn't sure exactly what we would need. I asked around from a couple of friends and got some good advice on what to bring and some good tips. 

We couldn't have asked for better weather for our first trip. It was a little overcast, which was perfect for me because I knew it wouldn't be too hot for her. John made sure we were only there for a little over an hour. He was worried that she would get burned (Haha! He is so overprotective and it melts my heart). I packed her two bottles, some strawberries (fresh picked from the farm), water and of course sun screen. 

Living in North Carolina, the water is still FREEZING!!! Normally John would still be willing to go in the water, but not this time. I'm looking forward to the water warming up in the summer. But from what  I remember, the water is never as warm as it is in Florida. So normally I won't go in, but might have to this season. 

Presley enjoyed the new experience and I loved seeing her explore something new. Can't wait for more trips this summer! 

First time playing in the sand. She did try to put it in her mouth a little bit, but wasn't successful 

Of course, we had to do a family selfie :) 

Didn't know what to do with the toy, so in her mouth it goes :) 

19 Weeks

Today Is: April 11, 2017
How far long: 19 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Mango 

Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Sleeping with my pregnancy pillow. Wow, it makes such a difference. I'm sleeping a lot more comfortable with it. I feel like it's necessary more this time around.
Best Moment this Week:  As a family, we went strawberry picking. It was so cute seeing Presley try to pick strawberries. Next year will be so cute with the sisters picking strawberries :) 
Worst Moment this Week: The heat is already so unbearable. It isn't even summer yet! Not sure how I will be able to handle it this summer, especially being pregnant for a longer period of time during that season. 
Miss Anything: Sushi 
Cravings: Pretzels and dark chocolate 
Queasy or sick: None  
Symptoms: Feet hurting, I think from the extra weight and my fingers are already swollen. Can't wear my wedding band anymore :( 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: John being off this weekend. I really enjoy the family time together. Hoping that we will be able to go to the beach and having our first family Easter.

Here are some pictures from our fun adventure at the Strawberry Farm :)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

We're Pregnant…. AGAIN!

Yes, you read that right. We are expecting baby # 2 in September. To top off the great news, baby # 2 is going to be a girl! YAY!!! Presley is going to have a baby sister. I already know how great she is going to be. She is such a loving daughter and I know she is going to shower her sister with all the love in the world. We are beyond excited for this new adventure. 

God only gives you what you can handle. So apparently, he thinks I can handle a lot!

Finding out that I was pregnant wasn't easy, like it was for Presley. Since I was exclusively breastfeeding, I didn't get my cycle. So just to be cautious I took a pregnancy test every month. I took one closer to Christmas and it was negative. But a few weeks later, I was getting nauseous occasionally, but I thought it was just me being hungry since I was breastfeeding (I get hungry a lot). However, the kicker was when my milk supply started to dwindle. I wasn't able to produce enough to feed Presley and I knew something was up. So I took an earlier pregnancy test and this time it was positive. 

Can't wait to meet our second bundle of joy September 2017! 

Presley's First Easter



Presley really enjoyed her first Easter. I though she would cry when she saw the Easter Bunny, but she handled it like a champ :) I think she is the cutest Easter Bunny! In the morning I made John an Easter breakfast with pancakes looking like the Easter bunny. Can't wait to give those to Presley next year. We enjoyed some family time and in the afternoon we went to a friends house and enjoyed some quality time. Then, we had a family dinner with Salmon, scallop potatoes and of course carrots. Can't wait until next year when she can hunt for some easter eggs and help her little sister find some eggs :)

7 Months Old

  • Diaper Size: 2 and size 3 at night 
  • Clothes Size: 6-9 months
  • Eat: We had to start supplementing with formula because I am not producing enough since I am pregnant. She gets one bottle of breastmilk a day (4oz) and the rest is formula. She has a 6 oz bottle in the morning, 4oz during the day and 7 oz at night
  • Sleep: She started sleeping in her crib. The first two weeks were not going well. Waking up constantly and not letting me sleep much. But eventually she started to sleep throughout the night. Her bed time is 7 am and is waking up around 6 am  
  • Play: She is trying to stand independently. I am standing behind her and helping her a little bit, but enjoys standing up a lot. 
  • Milestones: Started to have fruit purees. The first time she ate fruit she was shocked by how sweet it was, but is getting used to it. Her favorites so far are mango, bananas and pears. This month it snowed for the first time and she enjoyed sitting outside and seeing the snowflakes. Of course, I didn't let her stay out too long :)  
  • Likes: Likes her veggies more than her fruits, but really like to eat. Just like her Mama :) She started playing with blocks that she got from her Memaw and loves them. She hasn't mastered putting them in the correct hole, but likes to cheat and take off the sorting part and just stick them back in there.   
  • Dislikes: Still having some separation anxiety, but think it is getting better. She doesn't like to sleep alone, but is getting better sleeping in the crib. 
  • Personality: We are starting to know things that will make her laugh, like rubbing our head on her belly. She is always smiling and when you laugh or smile she does the same. 

  • Showing off her attitude :) 

    Dear Presley,

    We can't believe you are seven months already! Time is flying by sooooo fast! We love you so much. We started having you sleep in your crib this month. Sure is hard on Mommy and you. You just enjoy snuggling and sleeping with me, but you need to sleep on your own. Believe me, if I could snuggle with you 24/7 I would. I love hearing you breathe :) You are getting so big and independent. You love to stand up and try to do it on your own all the time. You will get it soon. Just remember how much we love you. 

    Love Always,

    Mommy and Daddy xoxo