Saturday, April 8, 2017

6 Months Old

Presley's 6 months stats. She is so funny, wouldn't let me put a headband on her. Kept taking it off :):)

  • Diaper Size: 2
  • Clothes Size: 6 months
  • Eat: Breastmilk 6 times a day
  • Sleep: This is the last month that she will be in our room :( I do enjoy having her there and knowing everything is okay, but it will be nice to have our room back and more space without the bassinet. Her bedtime is still 7pm.  
  • Play: She is sitting up a lot better on her own. I don't have to worry about her falling down. She has been more interactive with her toys now and can play independently for longer periods of time. 
  • Milestones: Started solids. I make her "baby food" which is me pureeing vegetables. We started with the orange vegetables and then the green. She wasn't a fan of sweet potatoes, but really likes carrots, spinach and broccoli. We also had our first road trip. It wasn't too bad, but it is a lot easier to travel in the evening so she can sleep. 
  • Likes: Her vegetables and water. She only gets an ounce or two a day of water, but loves drinking out of her sippy cup. She loves to stand up and see everything around her.  
  • Dislikes: Someone other than John and I to hold her. She starts to cry with people she is unfamiliar with. 
  • Personality: She always has such a happy attitude. I am starting to know different things that will make her laugh. She loves to look at herself in the mirror, such a girl, right? :) 

  • Before and after her first food experience. Sweet potatoes, not that big of a fan. 

    A year ago we announced we were having a baby. She is so lovely! 
    Dear Presely,

    We can't believe you are already 6 months! Time is flying by so fast. I feel so fourtante to be able to stay home with you every day and see you grow. You make us so happy every day. Even sometimes when you are a little fussy I remind myself how cute you are when you sleep and it makes everything better.  We couldn't have ask for such a wonderful angel. You are so happy and we love that! You impress us every day with how you get stronger. We love you so much!!!


    Mommy and Daddy