Thursday, January 18, 2018

Anistion is 4 months old

  • Diaper Size: 1, trying to finish them up but it is getting tight
  • Clothes Size: 3 months and 3-6 months 
  • Eat: She is eating every 3 hours with 5 oz each feeding. With having a toddler it gets very hard to get her to nurse. She either nurse for a few minutes and then Presley distracts her or she won't empty me enough and I will have to pump. So a session that should take 20 minutes is now taking an hour or more. So it seems easier for me to just pump. I do nurse occasionally, but she prefers the bottle more now. But it is all ok, she is still getting breast milk.
  • Sleep: She is now sleeping from 7pm-7:30am. She still does wake up once or twice for the pacifier, but I am not having to get up to feed her. When she naps, she sleeps in the bassinet for about 3 hours. She will take small cat naps in the bouncer in the morning and late afternoon.
  • Play: She loves to stand (of course with assistance) and has started to enjoy being on her stomach more. She is reaching for objects when she is playing on her back. She is starting to make more noise of excitement when she plays with her toys.
  • Milestones: Sleeping through the night, starting to recognize her name and being more vocal. 
  • Likes: She enjoys playing with her big sister. Every time she sees her, a big smile comes on her face. She likes warm water with her bath and likes to be exfoliated :)
  • Dislikes: She is starting to not like being in the bouncer to take a nap. It seems like she can't get comfortable. She is a side sleeper, so to get on her side isn't easy in the bouncer.
  • Personality: She is really happy! From the moment she wakes up and to putting her to bed she is smiling. If she is getting fussy it is probably because she is tired. 

  • They melt my heart!

    Aniston holding her own bottle :)

    Sweetest hugs from Presley

    Dear Aniston,

    You are such a loving baby!!! You love your sister so much!!! I know you don't understand it yet, but you guys are going to be such great sisters to each other and be best friends! We love you so much!!!

    Mommy, Daddy and Presley

    New Years

    January 1, 2018

    We had a very low key New Years. John was off New Years Eve, but had to work the next day. Unfortunately, we only made it to 10:30pm before we passed out :) I knew Aniston was going to be up around 4:30am, so waiting until 12am to watch the ball drop didn't seem to appealing to me. Maybe next year we will make it to watch the ball drop. Since having 2 under 2, I haven't watched the ball drop the past two years (lol).

    Our New Years Even dinner tradition we did a surf and turf dinner with King Crab legs, shrimp scampi and Prime rib. Presley didn't seem to enjoy the finer things in life like the King Crab legs and Prime rib. But she really loved Daddy's shrimp scampi. 

    Presley 2016 and Aniston 2017

    Presley 2016 and 2017

    Christmas 2017

    December 25, 2017

    This is our first Christmas as a family of 4. Being a mom makes me love these holidays even more. Even though the girls don't know who Santa is right now, I am looking forward to the day when they do. We enjoyed our Christmas this year. We stayed home and I made us a family fun Christmas breakfast and we had a very nice family dinner. Presley did enjoy playing with some of her new toys and some of Aniston's toys too :)

    Cinnamon bun Christmas tree

    Love my girls!

    Santa was here!