Thursday, December 8, 2016

4 Months

  • Diaper Size: 1
  • Clothes Size: 3 months and 3-6 months
  • Eat: Breastmilk 7 times a day. With the extra breastmilk that I was giving her worked and boosted up her weight. The doctors did not suggest formula this time! So I will continue to do this. 
  • Sleep: She has been sleeping throughout the night (around 10/11 hours). Her bed time is 7:30pm. Occasionally, she is waking up earlier because she is teething. She has been a hard to get her to nap unless she is napping on Daddy or me. Usually I'll have to nurse her to sleep and it only last for 20-30 minutes. 
  • Play: She can roll over from tummy to back and is trying to roll over from back to belly (hasn't done it yet). 
  • Milestones: She started teething and tries to mimic us 
  • Likes: Loves her teething ring and the nursing/teething necklaces I wear. She likes to be bounced. 
  • Dislikes: Starting to not want to be in the swing as long as usual. She doesn't like to be left alone (like on the playmate) for too long. 
  • Personality: She is truly a happy baby. She smiles all the time! Daddy calls her a strong warrior because she doesn't cry much (unless she's hungry). She even took her 4 month shots like a champ and didn't even cry. However, she did get a low fever and had to be given Tylenol for the first time, which she was not a fan of. She is more of a day time baby and starts to get a little grouchy around 5pm. 

  • Dear Presley,

    You are getting so big and strong! We love to see you grow, but we want to keep you as our baby forever. You had your first fever a couple days ago & we felt so bad. It was so cute seeing you take Tylenol though. You did not like it. It will be so cute seeing you try foods soon. This month you will see Santa Claus for the first time. I know you will get a lot of presents from him because you are so good! We love you so much!


    Mommy & Daddy

    Presley's First Thanksgiving

    Presley enjoyed her first Thanksgiving! Even though she didn't eat anything besides breast milk, she got to visit Daddy at work. An auxiliarist family from the base was so sweet and made the Thanksgiving meal for everyone who had to work. This was so thoughtful and it truly shows how the CG is a true family. 
    She was so excited that she got to see where Daddy works and saw some of his coworkers. All of his coworkers loved her! 

    Since John worked Thanksgiving we had our own family Thanksgiving the following day. Next year is going to be so memorable with Presley eating her first Thanksgiving meal.