Thursday, June 16, 2016

32 Weeks

Today Is: June 15, 2016
How far long: 32 weeks
Baby is the Size of: Florida Pomelo (whatever that is and I use to live in Florida) 
Total Weight Gain: 
30 pounds
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Getting up twice now to go to the bathroom
Best Moment this Week: Last week of school! I had my work shower too. It was so nice! 
Worst Moment this Week: Got a cold 
Miss Anything:  Going out and having a cocktail. Would love to celebrate the last day of school with a good cocktail. 
Cravings: Milk, peanut butter, cheese sticks and soup (might be because I was sick too)
Queasy or sick: Have a cold. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn, feet and hands getting swollen and a little back pain. 
Belly Growth:  41 inches 
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Looking Forward To: Going back home and celebrating Baby Z. Haven't been back home in a LONG time! 

Here are some pictures of my baby shower at work. They did a beautiful job decorating and the food was absolutely delicious! 

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